Now that I'm officially out of grad school, I figured it was high time to dive in and finally learn how to sew. I contacted Sherry on one of her blog posts to see if she recommended her Brother XL2600I Sew Advance Sew Affordable 25-Stitch Free-Arm Sewing Machine for a beginner, and she said she definitely did. I bit the bullet and spent to 80 buck last month. Then the machine sat, and sat and satsatsat around my apartment until the challenge.
There are a bunch of pins out on pinterest specializing in beginners sewing projects or how-to's, but I just ended up doing a separate project to get a handle on my machine.
The man-friend's mother is a genius sewer. She graciously offered up her expertise to finally give me the confidence to take the damn thing out of the box and get it ready to roll. I still wasn't sure what to make(I'm still a beginner!) so she gave me some ideas and some scrap fabric. I went with the beach bag option! And here is the process:
Luckily, the Brother came with pretty clear guidelines how to set all your thread and needles up so after practicing going straight on some scrap fabrics, we wrote a rough outline for what was required for the bag.
I maintained a 5/8 inch hem for all the sewing(and went over all my seems to give it double strength.) I'm a visual person so here are the steps:
I began by collecting all my supplies and cutting my white liner and main fabric to size. I made it so that when they would be sewed into a bag shape they would be a perfect match:

Then, working with the liner first I sewed around the edges, making a 5/8inch hem:

For strength I went around twice, leaving me with this beauty!

The same steps were repeated for the main bag material,

but since I was working with a stripe I tried a little harder to make sure the lines matched up. A look I think I achieved:

This part was a little tricky to figure out. I put the liner inside the main bag. Wrong side of the liner facing out(and the wrong side of the main bag). I ironed down the the hem and pinned around the bag.

Somewhere along the way I miss calculated and the liner was a bit larger then the rest of the bag so I just folded over and sewed the seam down. I did this by the end seem so it wouldn't be as noticeable.

Before I sewed the two together, I added the strap which was just leftover nylon material. Make sure that you measure so that they are placed evenly and are even lengths.

I ended up switched the thread to yellow so that it wouldn't be as noticeable on the outside of the bag. And I made sure to go back and forth over the straps 5 times to add durability to them.

I hemmed around the whole bag, maintaining the 5/8inch seam. But since this seam was a bit too far from the edge, ater some use the tight crease would eventually loosen up and become less crisp.

So, to make the bag look a bit more finished I went around once more just a smidge on the linerto keep the crisp edge!

If you have any questions about this project please ask!
Also, happy birthday to my brother, who I can always count on to match my funny face making in pictures! Love ya bro!
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